U.S. Gun Owner Demographics
- There are approximately 98,460,000 gun owners in the US (source)
- 30% of U.S. adults say they personally own a gun, while a larger percentage, 43%, report living in a gun household. (source)
- Education: 27% High School, 34% Some College, 33% College Grad, 23% Advanced Degree (source)
- Location: 19% live in urban areas, 28% live in suburban areas, 46% live in rural areas (source)
- Race and Ethnicity: 48% of white men own a gun, 24% of white women own a gun, 24% of non white men own guns, 16% non white women own guns (source)
- Politics: 41% of gun owners are Republicans, 16% of gun owners are Democrats, 36% of gun owners are independents
- Women (17%), Democrats (16%) and Hispanics (15%) are the least likely to report personal gun ownership. (source)
- Republicans (45%), men (43%) and self-identified conservatives (40%) are the most likely key subgroups to say they personally own a gun. (source)
- Male gun owners first started shooting at age 12 on average (source)
- Female gun owners first shot a gun at age 17 on average (source)
- Average age of gun ownership for males is 19, females 27 (source)