Why is BulletBlaster the only gun magazine loader I will ever need?

BulletBlaster can help load all semiautomatic magazine fed handguns, rifles, and shotguns. BulletBlaster thumb saver multitool is the one and only true universal gun magazine loader multitool on the marketplace today. BulletBlaster can painlessly load all major USA gun calibers and more. BulletBlaster loads gun magazine calibers 9mm, 22lr, 40, 45, 380, rifles, and shotguns. You name the gun magazine type, caliber and BulletBlaster can load it or your money back guarantee.

Can BulletBlaster load my make and model of gun?

BulletBlaster can do any type of make and model gun that uses a magazine. BulletBlaster multitool depends on the type of caliber of gun magazine required to be loaded and not the make and model of the gun. Since BulletBlaster loader does not wrap itself around the gun magazine but instead wraps itself more around your thumb and/or hand means it can load any type of gun magazine. BulletBlaster is a multitool with several methods of loading different guns all built into one tool.

I already have a loader for every different gun I own, why would I need a BulletBlaster?

The BulletBlaster can easily replace each custom loader you own. Stop digging around your rifle bag to find the correct loader but instead use one tool, BulletBlaster, to load any type of gun magazine you own. For a lot less than the cost of buying one custom gun magazine loader BulletBlaster can load all gun magazines you currently own and plan on owning in the future.

I have arthritis and weak fingers, how is BulletBlaster going to help me load my gun magazine better than other gun magazine loaders?

BulletBlaster was designed to use your upper arm strength such as your triceps muscles instead of your hand, finger, and forearm strength. Much like pushing yourself out of a chair you will use your upper arm strength or even our bodyweight to push down on the most stubborn gun magazine springs.

I have a Maglula, how is BulletBlaster better?

Maglula uses forearm strength, finger strength, hand strength to load gun magazines. BulletBlaster uses the upper arm muscles such as the triceps, which is 3/4 of your arm strength. You can also use your body weight too. As a result, BulletBlaster is better for people with arthritis, weak hand strength, and in general for people that don’t want the pain of loading a gun magazine. Maglula costs twice as much as the BulletBlaster and can only load at max 2 to 3 different gun magazine calibers while the BulletBlaster loads the entire spectrum of gun magazine calibers. The BulletBlaster has no moving parts and is a simple machine, which does not require oiling and is easy to learn. BulletBlaster is 100% made and manufactured in the USA, Maglula is foreign made.